Checking Our Perspective…


We are fraudulent when we buy into the conflicted mind as our guide and intelligence. We are cuddling with fraudulent ways when we hold on to the mindsets and belief systems that got us in the mess our live are in, inside out. We keep rebranding the conflicted approach and laud it as the best thing since sliced bread.

We are unaware how to be with the personalities that arise in us and assert themselves. The right and wrong personalities, good/bad and better than are forces of the conflicted mind we cannot control. We cannot control the mind. We cannot make the mind not be about conflicts and fraudulent behaviors contrary to our true nature. To play the game of life and play it well (truly beneficially), we must be liberated from the perspectives of the conflicted mind. We must have a neuro-biological shift. A shift in perspective of everything, starting with what we think of and see as the self. We must be helped so the mind stops using us. The moment is now for us to instructively, consciously and with full Awareness of The Giver use the mind the way it is intended, here in the Golden Age.

When we are living in pain, hurts, fears, agitations, in defense mode, and embracing petty, shallow, hollow so-called success and hunger for importance, we are really not living. We are merely existing, being used by the conflicted self for its existence. This is a fraudulent way to live. It makes us do, say and be crazy harmful to ourselves and everyone. We think and feel separate from our true self and each other and behave poorly.

And when we deny that this is what we are doing, THIS is what is fraudulent.

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